Kentucky Gives Day Resources

Images & Sample Text for Download
Kentucky Gives Day is an annual day of online giving that brings together charities and Kentuckians, near and far for a powerful day of action and philanthropy.
We appreciate your help in sharing our message on social media during this day of giving. Below are images and sample text for Facebook, Instagram. Facebook images are sized for sharing on your timeline. Instagram images are similar, but have been redesigned specifically for Instagram’s newsfeed (square). LinkedIn uses images very close to Facebook so you can use this same download. Twitter / X remarkably also uses the same size image as Facebook.
Downloads for text are *.txt files. The links will be live, but you will have to add “@” and retype the name(s) to tag ACCA’s or Hidden River Cave’s Facebook pages. You can also copy and paste text directly from the page below. Please feel free to personalize.
Since Twitter does not allow as many characters, please feel free to improvise and use the online giving links. ☺️ Twitter / X also suggests avoiding hashtags so that people will click directly on the link(s) you provide. But, if you’re a “Twitter / X” person, please feel free to do what you think is best – and please let us know what works!
Thank you so very much for supporting us today!
Kentucky Gives Website:
@American Cave Conservation Association
@Hidden River Cave/American Cave Museum
FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM TAGS (feel free to add your own!):
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
Sample Posts
The sample text below does not have formatting or active links. You should be able to copy and paste directly. We have also provided a text document of all posts for download.
To Download Images: Either click on the image which will open in a new browser window and then save the image to your device or click the “download link” below the image. In most browsers this will download the images. However, in a few instances this will still open the image in a new browser window so you will have to save the image to your device.
Kentucky Gives Day is May 7th! Please mark your calendar to join Kentuckians near and far in supporting nonprofits across the Commonwealth.
The American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) is proud to once again be a part of this wonderful day of giving. Your donation will help support our educational programs and operations at Hidden River Cave and the American Cave museum as well as our national conservation efforts that directly preserve caves and groundwater resources. Your gift this year will have an additional impact by helping us match a $20,000 challenge donation for ACCA and the American Cave Museum.
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
ACCA is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of caves, karstlands and groundwater.
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
We need YOU to help us save America’s caves!
Kentucky Gives Day is May 7th! Help us celebrate KY Gives Day by donating to the American Cave Conservation Association!
• Caves are Fragile: Caves are unique and fragile ecosystems. Some house rare and endangered animals found nowhere else. The beautiful and breathtaking mineral formations in America’s natural caverns can take thousands of years to develop. A single careless cave visitor can destroy them in an instant.
• Caves are Nature’s Museums: The cool constant temperature of caves preserves clues from our past. Prehistoric footprints made more than 4500 years ago were found in the soft mud of a cave in Tennessee. Some caves also contain artwork such as petroglyphs and pictographs and artifacts that may provide a better understanding of how ancient people may have used caves.
• Education Makes a Difference: Your support helps sustain our educational programs, which not only help build a better understanding of caves but also inspires curiosity and appreciation.
• support sinkhole/dump cleanups and maintain programs the directly benefit our community.
1. Donate, Join ACCA or Renew Your Membership: Donations and Memberships provide the foundation for our conservation efforts. This is the key that unlocks the doors to protecting the world beneath our feet.
2. Spread the Message: Share your passion for caves with friends, family, and on social media. Be the ambassador who amplifies our call to protect these wonders.
3. Monthly Giving: Consider becoming a monthly donor. Your sustained support strengthens our ability to plan and implement long-term conservation initiatives. This option is available through KY Gives as well as through our website.
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
ACCA is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of caves, karstlands and groundwater.
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
Kentucky Gives Day is May 7th! Help us celebrate KY Gives Day by donating to the American Cave Conservation Association!
• will help us match a $20,000 challenge donation to support the American Cave Conservation Association and the American Cave Museum.
• will help the ACCA continue to provide and develop programs for Kentucky school children specifically tailored to education and protection of fragile cave resources.
• support cave gating and projects to protect endangered species such as the Kentucky cave shrimp, Indiana bat and Gray bat which are found in many Kentucky caves.
• support sinkhole/dump cleanups and maintain programs the directly benefit our community.
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
As a nonprofit, we rely upon grants and donations to continue to operate our conservation and educational programs. Your support truly does make a difference!
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
ACCA is happy to be participating in the 12th Annual Kentucky Gives Day! Kentucky Gives Day is an annual day of online giving that brings together charities and Kentuckians, near and far for a powerful day of action and philanthropy.
Your donation today will help support the American Cave Conservation Association’s (ACCA) Kentucky programs such as cave gating projects to protect endangered species, sinkhole/dump cleanups and our educational initiatives at Hidden River Cave & the American Cave Museum. Your gift this year will have an additional impact by helping us match a $20,000 challenge donation to support ACCA and the American Cave Museum.
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
As a nonprofit, we rely upon grants and donations to continue to operate our conservation and educational programs. Your support truly does make a difference!
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
The American Cave Conservation Association was instrumental in the cleanup and recovery of Hidden River Cave, “one of the most polluted caves in America.” Today the cave serves as a “living exhibit” at the American Cave Museum and is now known as “the greatest cave restoration success story in the United States.”
Donate or join ACCA and help us spread the word about the importance of protecting fragile cave areas. Donations are tax deductible and will be used to directly support our programs and education initiatives. Your gift this year will have an additional impact by helping us match a $20,000 challenge donation to support ACCA and the American Cave Museum. Together we can make a difference!
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
Caves are home to numerous animals, some of which are threatened and endangered. Certain animals, like bats, use caves as a place to raise their young or hibernate during the winter. Others like the blind crayfish live their entire lives underground. All of these animals rely upon a clean environment. Like the canary in the coal mine, the retreat and ultimate demise of cave animals signals a dangerous situation for us.
Join or donate today to help ACCA protect these often unseen animals through conservation projects and education. Your gift this year will have an additional impact by helping us match a $20,000 challenge donation to support ACCA and the American Cave Museum.
Online Giving Link:
Kentucky Gives Website:
ACCA is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of caves, karstlands and groundwater.
#KYGives24 #nonprofit #Kentucky #caves #caving #endangeredspecies
Thank You so much for your help!
The American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) is a National 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Organization.
Donations and Memberships are Deductible to the Fullest Extent Allowed by Law.