American Caves Magazine

Fall 1991 • Vol. 4, No. 2

In This Issue:

  • Caveland Sanitation Authority May See Light at the End of the Tunnel
  • Lincoln Caverns: A Cave Dedicated to Education & Conservation for Over Sixty Years
  • Cave & Karst Center Seeking Items for First Exhibit
  • Indiana Karst Conservancy: Dedicated to the Conservation & Preservation of Caves and Karst
  • Potential Danger to Lechuguilla
  • Headines! Lint Accumulations are Becoming More Prevalent in Caves
American Caves is an educational publication produced by the American Cave Conservation Association.

The American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) is a National 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Organization.
Donations and Memberships are Deductible to the Fullest Extent Allowed by Law.