Our People

Board of Directors

Pat Kambesis, Director

Pat Kambesis



Pat Kambesis was born and raised in Chicago, IL and re-born in a cave in Missouri. She has her Bachelor of Science degrees in Biology and Geology, Master of Science in Geoscience and PhD in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. She is currently a faculty member in the Department of Geography and Geology at Western Kentucky University and teaches a variety of courses in GIS, Geology and Environmental Science. She has explored, mapped and studied caves since the mid-seventies nationally and internationally.

She has had the privilege of exploring and mapping parts of the Hidden River Cave system and has used Hidden River Cave as a classroom since the early oughts. Pat has benefited greatly from her affiliation with the cave and wants to give back to its management, preservation and protection. She would like to see ACCA continue its efforts in public education and outreach about caves and karst. Pat would like to help strengthen their educational displays especially since the commercial tour is being expanded to the Sunset Dome.

The American Cave Conservation Association (ACCA) is a National 501 (c) 3 Nonprofit Organization.
Donations and Memberships are Deductible to the Fullest Extent Allowed by Law.